Saturday, October 26, 2013

8 Months Old

Jace turned 8 months old today. Some cute new things he started doing this month include scratching his belly, making a puckered lip face, kicking both his legs at the same time while on his belly, and rolling all around the floor.  He is making lots of sounds.  Sometimes it seems like he is trying to imitate the words we are saying.  We love tickling him.  Amos lays his head on Jace and acts like Jace is his pillow.  Jace thinks it is so funny.  He laughs and tries to grab Amos's nose and poke his eyes. He makes us smile all day long. He still isn't sleeping through the night.  Amos and I are tired a lot, but we are very happy.




  1. That little boy of yours is sure super duper cute! He is getting so big. I love that you take his monthly pictures with that eagle so you can really tell just how much he's growing.
