Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jace is The Mayne Attraction


I never really planned on starting a blog. I decided to for a couple of reasons. First, I thought it would motivate me to post more pictures for family and friends to see.  Second, I wanted pictures to be uploaded to the internet so I wouldn't lose them.  Our computer has crashed before losing the pictures we loaded.  Luckily, I had saved them to a disc that is in a fireproof safe.  If our house ever burned down though, we would lose any photo books or scrapbooks we had made. Third, I can turn the blog into a book which is kind of a way to record a journal which I am normally not very good at doing. My blog probably won't be very fancy because I've never made one before, but hopefully I will learn to make it cute. I'm excited because we just bought a new camera that should arrive soon.  It takes pictures faster than my old camera and has HD video.  I'm motivated to take more pictures now because of that as well.

I did write my experience about being pregnant and having Jace on paper, but I wanted to share some pictures from the hospital and when we first go home.

7 pounds 11 ounces of squirmy baby!

In the labor and delivery room right after he was born.
Getting ready to go home.

First time in the car seat

When we got home we found that our sweet neighbor Julia had decorated our house with a welcome sign and balloons, and she left us a delicious dinner in the fridge!




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