Sunday, January 26, 2014

11 Months Old

After Christmas we did a few other activities with family members, but we didn't take any pictures.  My Aunt Shannon, Uncle Doug, and Grandma Nadine came in to town and we spent an afternoon with them.  Before that, Meghan, Aunt Shannon, and I got pedicures while Grandma Nadine got a manicure.  We also went to Amos's grandma's house (Grandma Great) to visit.  Some of Amos's cousins and aunts came to the house to visit with us as well.  It was nice to see them.  They only live an hour away, but we don't get down there much.  On New Year's Eve we played games with the Pryor clan.  We left at 8:30 and Jace fell asleep in the car on the way home.  I think I went to bed at 10:00 that night.  Ha ha
It seems like Jace learned a lot of new things this past month.  Unfortunately one of those things was not sleeping through the night.  I'm starting to feel very discouraged and worried that he will never sleep through the night.  Which means Amos and I will not be able to sleep through the night.  It seems like babies should just come knowing how to sleep.  Oh well....maybe next month.  Jace also got a new tooth this month.  It is the one next to the front two on the top.  It will look like a fang since he doesn't have the top two yet.
On to the positive things.  Jace started army crawling this month!  It is so cute.  He crawls toward us because he wants to sit on our lap.  He also crawls after balls that he throws. You can see in the pictures that it is the first month he was able to crawl away from our photo shoot.  He plays peek-a-boo putting the blanket up over his face now.  He used to only be able to pull it down.  One day I was tossing the ball to him and Amos was helping him catch the ball.  He started reaching his hands out all by himself to try and get the ball.  It was adorable.  He loves throwing his toys now and pulling them out of buckets or boxes.  He pulls the toys out, throws them, and watches how far they roll.  We have these two little plastic airplanes.  Amos started flying them in front of Jace with airplane sound effects.  Jace started to copy Amos.  He lifted the little planes up in the air and tried to mimic the sound Amos was making.  He has a duck finger puppet.  When he picks up the duck he says, "Quack, quack."  (It sounds like cak cak.) He also has little hot wheel cars that he plays with. He likes to spin the tires. Sometimes he will hold one up and say "car."  (It sounds like co.) He drives the cars with one finger. When we talk about his toes, he looks at his toes and says "t." He says little sounds like that for other words like truck, tree, soft, shape, cheese, and Jace.  He does like to stand while playing, but we have to help him stand up.  He doesn't pull up onto furniture yet.  Probably because he doesn't crawl normally yet.  He is not even close to walking.  I'm okay with it though because he will only be a baby for a short time.  Pretty soon he probably won't want to sit on our laps to play.  He also reaches for people more now than he used to.  He has such a fun personality and likes to smile and laugh.

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