Thursday, December 26, 2013

10 Months Old

My little baby is growing up so fast!  Everyday with him is so fun.  I want him to stay a cute little baby forever.  I was hoping I would be able to write that he started crawling this past month, but he didn't quite make it.  He gets up on elbows and knees and rocks back and forth, or he pushes up on his arms and pushes himself backwards.  He is very close though.  He likes to clap and wave and smile.  He likes it when I pretend to gobble his feet and hands.  He still likes when we sing to him, but he doesn't sit as long for us to read to him as he used to.  Plus, he turns the pages so quickly it's hard to read anything except for quick board books.  He likes it when we play catch together, roll the ball together, do the Hokey Pokey, play Pat-a-Cake, and sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." This month he seems to like throwing his toys out of the way.  We put toys in a bucket, and he pulls them out and tries to throw them far enough away that he can't reach them anymore. He knows the word "clap."  When we say it, he claps (most of the time).  He also tries to imitate a lot of words and sounds that we make.  We were saying "chips and cheese" at dinner one night and he actually said chip.  I was glad Amos was there to witness it.  I wish I could say Jace was sleeping through the night, but I can't.  At his nine month doctor appointment, he was only in the 3rd percentile for weight.  He still likes to get up a couple of times in the night to eat.  His pediatrician thinks he must have a fast metabolism and is probably hungry in the night because of it.  Therefore, I am still very tired most of the time.
Our photo shoot was pretty quick today.  We didn't want him to get cold and he was so wiggly.

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