Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July Weekend

On the Fourth of July we went to the splash pad in our neighborhood and finally took some pictures.  He really likes to wear his hat and sunglasses.  When he put his sunglasses on he says, " dude" (because we call them his cool dude sunglasses when we put them on). The next day was Saturday and we went to the Hill Air Force Museum.  It had lots of cool planes and helicopters to look at.  Jace really liked it there.  When we were leaving he kept saying, "Bye bye helicopters."  It was so cute.  The biggest news is that right before bed Jace finally decided to start walking!  He just dropped my hands but kept saying, "Walk a walk" (which is what he says when he wants to walk).  I moved a few feet away from him and asked him to walk to me and he did!  Then he walked back and forth between Amos and me for awhile.  He kept saying, "So fun."  After awhile, he decided to just turn and start walking around the living room.  Because he was so old when he started walking, he was pretty stable and could walk for a long time.  This morning (Sunday) he didn't want to walk.  He had to warm up to the idea again.  Amos also took some pictures of Jace playing with the mirror.  He was giving himself kisses and smiles.

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